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Debating Innovation:
Perspectives and Paradoxes of an Idealized Concept
Rehn A., & Örtenblad A. (2024)
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Hybrid teknologiforståelse
Andersen L. B., Danholt P., & Friis Ratner H. (2023)
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Faithfulness Tests for Natural Language
Atanasova, P., Camburu, O., Grue Simonsen, J., Lioma, C., Lukasiewicz, T., & Augenstein, I. (2023)
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Report on the Dagstuhl Seminar on Frontiers of Information Access Experimentation for Research and Education
Bauer, C., Carterette, B. et al (2023)
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ReNeuIR at SIGIR 2023: The Second Workshop on Reaching Efficiency in Neural Information Retrieval
Bruch S., Mackenzie J., Maistro M., & Maria Nardini F. (2023)
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Recommending Target Actions Outside Sessions in the Data-poor Insurance Domain
Borg Bruun S., Lioma C., & Maistro M. (2023)
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Graph-based Recommendation for Sparse and Heterogeneous User Interactions
Borg Bruun, S., Kenji Leśniak, K., Biasini, M., Carmignani, V., Filianos, P., Lioma, C., Maistro, M. (2023)
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The missing links of research impact
Budtz Pedersen, D., & Hvidtfeldt, R. (2023)
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Rethinking evaluation of science-for-policy ecosystems
Budtz Pedersen, D. (2023)
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An evaluation framework for institutional capacity of science-for-policy ecosystems in EU Member States
Budtz Pedersen, D. (2023)
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Datafied female health: Sociotechnical imaginaries of femtech in Danish public discourse
Dahlman, S., Just, S. N., Munk Petersen, L., Valiant Lantz, P. M., & Würtz Kristiansen, N. (2023)
Læs publikationen
Debating Innovation – Perspectives and Paradoxes of an Idealized Concept
Rehn A., & Örtenblad A. (2023)
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Automated Medical Coding on MIMIC-III and MIMIC-IV: A Critical Review and Replicability Study
Edin, J., Duh, W., Huang, H., Kato, M., Mothe, J., Poblete, B., & Maaløe, L. (2023)
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Debating Innovation: Perspectives and Paradoxes of an Idealized Concept
Just, S., & Dahlman, S. (2023)
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YOLO Publics: The Potential for Creative Subversion of an Online Trading Community
Just, S., & Petersen, L. (2023)
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Onlife intersectionalities as flows of playbour: The case of women in gaming
Just, N. S., Storm, K., & Bukuru, S. (2023)
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“Good” Organizational Reasons for “Bad” Cybersecurity: Ethnographic Study of 30 Danish SMEs
Kocksch, L., & Elgaard Jensen, T. (2023)
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Towards a Typology of Interdisciplinarity in Cybersecurity: Trade, Choice, and Agnostic-Antagonist
Kocksch, L., & Sørensen, E. (2023)
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Investigating the Sustainability-Cybersecurity Nexus in HCI as a Practical Problem: Submission to Workshop WS27: HCI for Climate Change: Imagining Sustainable Futures
Kocksch, L., & Sørensen, E. (2023)
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Joint Extraction and Classification of Danish Competences for Job Matching
Li, Q., & Lioma, C. (2023)
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Mapping research activities and societal impact by taxonomy of indicators: uniformity and diversity across academic fields
Lykke, M., Amstrup, L., Hvidtfeldt, R., & Budtz Pedersen, D. (2023)
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An in-depth investigation on the behavior of measures to quantify reproducibility
Maistro, M., Breuer, T., Schaer, P., & Ferro, N. (2023)
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Caring Not Scaring – An Evaluation of a Workshop to Train Apprentices as Security Champions
Menges, U., Hielscher, J., Kocksch, L., Kluge, A., Sasse, M. (2023)
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Vihaan myyntiä – myynnin myytit ja modernit mahdollisuudet (I Hate Selling! The Myths and Modern Possibilities of Sales)
Ojanperä, T., Pyyhtiä, T., Rehn, A. (2023
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Evaluation Measures of Individual Item Fairness for Recommender Systems: A Critical Study
Rampisela, T., Maistro, M., Ruotsalo, T., & Lioma, C. (2023)
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Ethical Plateaus in Danish Child Protection Services:
The Rise and Demise of Algorithmic Models
Friis Ratner, H., & Schrøder, I. (2023)
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Algorithmic constructions of risk: Anticipating uncertain futures in child protection services
Ratner, H., & Elmholdt, K. (2023)
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Risiko-scoring af børn – Prædiktive algoritmer og tidlig indsats
Ratner, H., & Trolle Elmholt, K. (2023)
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Algoritmer i sagsbehandlingen af indsatser til udsatte børn: Etisk eller ej?
Ratner, H., & Schrøder, I. (2023)
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Debating Innovation
Perspectives and Paradoxes of an Idealized Concept
Rehn, A. (2023)
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Image, Imperatives, and Ideology in the Innovation Industry. Debating Innovation – Perspectives and Paradoxes of an Idealized Concept
Rehn, A. (2023)
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Bataille, the Poverty of Innovation Theory and the Rise of Creation Studies
Rehn, A. (2023)
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On the Ordering of Pooled Web Pages, Gold Assessments, and Bronze Assessments
Sakai, T., Tao, S., Chen, N., Li, Y., Maistro, M., Chu, Z., & Ferro, N. (2023)
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AI tools as science policy advisers? The potential and the pitfalls
Tyler, C., Akerlof, K., et al (2023)
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Fact Checking with Insufficient Evidence
Atanasova, P., Grue Simonsen, J., Lioma, C., & Augenstein, I. (2022)
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Diagnostics-Guided Explanation Generation
Atanasova, P., Grue Simonsen, J., Lioma, C., & Augenstein, I. (2022)
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Learning Recommendations from User Actions in the Item-poor Insurance Domain
Bruun, S., Maistro, M., Lioma, C. (2022)
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Börjesson M, Rehn A. (2022)
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Beyond Emotion: A Multi-Modal Dataset for Human Desire Understanding
Jia, A., He, Y., Zhang, Y., Uprety, S., Song, D., & Lioma, C. (2022)
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Det er menneskeligt at fejle – derfor gør teknologier det også
Just, S., & Lioma, C. (2022)
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Automatiseret overbevisning – algoritmer og data erstatter retorik og truer demokratiet
Just, S. (2022)
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Crowdsourcing Controller – Utilizing Reliable Agents in a Multiplayer Game
Kenji Lesniak, K., & Maistro, M. (2022)
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Vidensmobilisering og vidensbrobygning – en oversigt over modeller og metoder
Budtz Pedersen, D., & Gensby, U. (2022)
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Databasering i socialt arbejde: Den skrøbelige tilblivelse af en databaseret screeningsteknologi i familieplejen
Schrøder, I., Bredahl Jacobsen, C., Christensen, M., & Koustrup, C. (2022)
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Complex-valued Neural Network-based Quantum Language Models
Zhang, P., Hui, W., Wang, B., Zhao, D., Song, D., Lioma, C., & Grue Simonsen, J. (2022)
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Technology and Dis/Organization: Digital data infrastructures as partial connections
Ratner, H., & Plotnikof, M. (2021)
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Principled Multi-Aspect Evaluation Measures of Rankings
Maistro, M., Lima, L., Grue Simonsen, J., Lioma, C. (2021)
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